As we have arrived near the peak of the holiday season at Christmas, packages that have been prepared and wrapped carefully are about to be torn apart to reveal the prizes that await their benefactors. I know I am excited to watch my kids check out all of the toys, games, and goodies that my wife and I have prepared and carefully placed under the tree. As much as we try and avoid the commercial aspects of Christmas, somehow it always sucks us in, and we look forward to the stuff waiting under the tree. 


However, the “New” Hope that we don’t have to wait to open is the love of God that readily awaits us to accept and then pass along to all those with whom we come in contact. God has given this love to us fully. We don’t deserve this gift, our lives would probably place us on the “Naughty List”, but God sent Christ as an infant, taught us, and sent us a huge gift by dying on the cross for our transgressions. Through the life and death of Christ, we have hope, peace is upon us, joy is available, and by all of these God wraps us up in love.

On this Christmas, I wish you all hope and peace, joy and God’s love abounding in all of your lives.

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